parthenogenesis is defined as reproduction without fertilization, an ovum developing into a new individual without fertilization by a sperm.


parthenogenesis is defined as reproduction without fertilization, an ovum developing into a new individual without fertilization by a sperm.

Foods to Avoid or Limit

Is It Safe to Eat Papaya While Pregnant?

You can eat papaya while pregnant, but you’ll want to make sure it’s ripe OR UNRIPE.because unripe or semiripe papaya contains some substance which can cause miscarriage or abortion. Pregnancy Trimester-Specific Guidelines: Unripe or Semi-Ripe Papaya: Ripe papaya Papaya can counter morning sickness and nausea, relieve constipation and heartburn and support foetal neurological growth and […]

awareness about sexually transmitted infection


SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES (STDs) Infections transmitted through sexual intercourse.Sometimes sexually transmitted infections are spread in ways other than sexual contact. For example, Sexually transmitted diseases [also known as Sexually transmitted infection] can spread to infants during pregnancy or childbirth. STIs also can spread through blood transfusions or shared needles.STIs are caused by bacteria, viruses or […]

Human ear, organ of hearing and equilibrium that detects and analyzes sound by transduction and maintains the sense of balance.

Ear :Anatomy,physiology & Function

Your ears are paired organs, located on each side of your head.Human ear, organ of hearing and equilibrium that detects and analyzes sound by transduction and maintains the sense of balance. What are the function of Ear? The ears perform two sensory functions, ●Hearing and ●Maintenance of body balance (STATO-ACOUSTIC ORGAN)• Anatomically, the ear can […]

The eye receives light that then is traduced into energy


Eye  ●One paired eyes are located in sockets of the skull called orbits. ●The wall of the eye ball is composed of three layers . ●SCLERA: External layer which is composed of a dense connective tissue. IT IS WHITE PART OF EYE. ●CORNEA: The anterior portion of sclera is called the cornea. CHOROID: ●The middle […]