Malaria life cycle


Malaria Malaria is the most lethal parasitic diseaseof humans, transmitted in 108 countriescontaining 3 billion people.Worldwide, the incidence of malaria isestimated to be 300–500 million clinicalcases with nearly 1 million…
Pulmonary embolism


EMBOLISM Definition and TypesEmbolism is the process of partial or complete obstruction ofsome part of the cardiovascular system by any mass carriedin the circulation; the transported intravascular massdetached from its…

Filariasis and Elephantiasis

ELEPHANTIASIS/FILARIASIS Causative agent: wuchereria /filarial worm (W.bancrofti and W. malayi). Wuchereria is helminths. Symptoms:•Slowly developed chronic inflammation usuallyin lymphatic vessels of lower limb.• The genital organs are often affected resultingin…
Transportation in plants


 TRANSPORT IN PLANT 1. Transport over longer distances proceeds through the vascular system (the xylem and the phloem) and is called TRANSLOCATION. 2. Transport of water and minerals in xylem…